Find the right buyer. Get a fair price on your home. Or make your own winning offer on the right house for you. Either way, you’re arriving at the trickiest part of buying and selling a home. The legal argle-bargle.

Getting those keys into new hands takes more than dotting I’s and crossing T’s. It’s easy to get lost in the wilderness of requirements and regulations. What you need is a guide who knows the lay of the legal landscape around the Finger Lakes in the Southern Tier.

Real Estate

Buying and selling real estate on your own moves at two speeds: slow and really slow. You’re going to have a mountain of questions about purchase agreements, surveys, abstracts, and title. With Calvin, you can relax. He loves answering tough questions. He also keeps the legal equivalent of WD-40 handy for all those rules and regulations.

Vacation Home

Hang your hat in a place with a view.

Village Home

Take your leisure in community.

Hunting Cabin

For actual hunting. Or just being away.


Grow something tasty, beautiful, or both.

Estate Planning

No one enjoys estate planning, but everyone is glad when they’ve done it. It helps to know your legacy and loved ones will be taken care of.

Wills and trusts put your intentions on paper. You use them now to plan how all assets (your estate) will be dispersed later. They are a huge favor to your loved ones when you’re no longer around to explain everything.

Business Planning & Corporate Formation

If you are looking to rent out some of your property, consider forming a legal entity to hold it. A legal entity can limit your personal liability. As your local leisure lawyer, Calvin loves limiting legal liability.

lake view illustration

Let’s talk about it.