About Us
Hi there,
I’m Calvin, and I do real estate law. I live and work here in Hammondsport. We’re a small-law office, but we like to move quickly. Buying and selling property can be a drag if you don’t. If you call us, you’ll get me or LeeAnn. People know us here, so feel free to ask around. And say “hi” if you see us in town.
– Calvin

Real Estate Lawyer
Calvin may dress business casual when he’s working, but he always keeps a change of clothes nearby for the day’s outdoor activities. Boots for hiking the Finger Lakes Trail. Trunks for sailing or fishing out on the lake. Gloves for hitting the links at the Bath Country Club. Calvin was also a certified tree feller in the state of California. Ask him about it when you run into him on the trail.

LeeAnn fits right in here at the firm, being laid-back, local, and really good at what she does. When she started paralegaling, Netflix was just mailing people DVDs. LeeAnn hails from nearby Savona, NY, is the oldest of five children, and enjoys spending time with her family (husband, two kids). Like Calvin, she loves a good hike on the Finger Lakes Trail, or a stroll out to Bully Hill for the vino and the view.